Our kidneys play a vital role in excreting drugs and toxins in the body but sometimes sheer volume can be overwhelming and they need some help from us. Drinking plenty of water can help to flush our kidneys of toxins and keep them healthy.

Here are 10 tips for keeping optimal kidney health:

1. Try to drink water instead of other drinks – 8 glasses per day in addition to water from dietary sources.

2. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (particularly the latter) together with lean cuts of meat.

3. Stay away from sugars, sodas and artificial sweeteners.

4. Avoid adding salt at the table or in cooking. Instead, season foods with herbs, spices and lemon juice.

5. Get regular exercise – at least 30 minutes of physical activity 5 times per week.

6. Maintain a healthy weight and, of course, this will be more easily achieved through the other lifestyle changes that you make.

7. Don’t smoke.

8. Limit your alcohol to a maximum of two small drinks per day if you are male or one small drink per day if you are female.

9. Have your blood pressure checked regularly, and work with your doctor to reduce your blood pressure if necessary.

10. Do things that help you relax and reduce your stress levels.

Remember, Hydr-8 water bottles are specially designed to aid you in tracking your daily hydration! Count on our unique hydration tracking water bottles to keep yourself healthy and hydrated. Shoot for 64 ounces every day!